- Title:
- Blood and Water
- Author:
- Briana Morgan
- Release:
- August 31, 2017
- Format:
- Audiobook
- Narrator:
- Tim McKiernan
This is a DNF from me for several reasons. The first is the insufferable narrator. He reads every single sentence as if it’s the end of a paragraph, so it leads to a bunch of awkward pauses between each sentence that makes the dialogue sound stilted and unnatural.
The second is the plague setting feels a little too real in a post-plague world. While I consider that a minor issue, the biggest issue is the characters. They’re not interesting at all. I’ve been listening to this for a few days. By that I mean I began this story a few days ago and have found any excuse to pause it constantly. I haven’t enjoyed a single moment of this story. The protagonist is supposed to be nearly 18 years old but cums off as a 14-year-old. I often find this is the issue with young characters. They’re either far too childish or mature for their supposed age.
Normally, I’d listen to a 5-hour audiobook at 2.55x speed in a single sitting, write my review, and be done. This story just isn’t interesting or compelling. I found myself dreading having to listen to it, realizing that I had nothing to say about it for the reasons mentioned above.
Final note, to anybody wondering how I didn’t know this was a plague story; I read based on genre. I prefer to go into a book without reading the summary as I find I have better experiences when I go in without expectations. Summaries are also often misleading or filled with spoilers that take away from the big moments as well.
Normally, when a book is not for me, I try to give a suggestion for who I think might enjoy it but I really have nothing. I’m 16/23 chapters in and so little has happened and even less of note, I couldn’t recommend this story to anybody.
NOTE: This copy was provided to me free of charge as a digital review copy. The opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone, I was not paid or requested to give this book a certain rating, suggestion, or approval.