- Title:
- Blood in the Water : A True Story of Small-Town Revenge
- Author:
- Silver Donald Cameron
- Release:
- November 2, 2021
- Format:
- Paperback, Audiobook
I’m going to lay into this book, but unlike the author, I’m going to get to the point. This book sucks, give it a pass.
Blood in the Water starts off with a dry ressitation of facts. After what feels like an hour of dull, dry, boring facts, spewed out one sentence at a time, you reach the promised land. The story begins and the author lures you into a false sense of cumfort. Don’t get used to it. After about forty minutes, part three begins and it’s just a boring history lesson.
Imagine, if you’re out of school, the most boring history lesson you’ve ever sat through. That’s what this is like. It just goes on and on and at the very end, to tie it all together, the author states “and now I hope this sentence will make sense to you.” And then he does it again! RAAA!!
At one point in the story, the author says “He would be described as”. What?!?! What do you mean ‘he would be’? You just did! And if this author had any skill, he’d have made this into a proper story and just described him as such along the way. Instead, he stops in the middle of the pilot to drone on about his personal life, the history of his home, and the people who live there. The first half feels like the author’s first draft, just all his research in bullet point form before he cranks out a story. The second half of this story feels like a love letter to his home, to the point where you’re wondering if he just added the true-crime bits to entice readers to buy his book, only to trick them once it was too late and they already purchased it.
The narrator of the audiobook has a soothing voice, but in this case it’s not a good thing as he just puts me to sleep when the author goes on and on about history nobody asked about or cares for. I also find it annoying when the narrator repeatedly mispronounces words, such as Nuclear and Archipelago.
I couldn’t recommend this book to anyone. I normally finish every book I read, no much I might dislike it. This book has been a struggle to keep listening to.
NOTE: This copy was provided to me free of charge as an advanced reading copy. The opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone, I was not paid or requested to give this book a certain rating, suggestion, or approval.