- Title:
- The Ursulina
- Author:
- Brian Freeman
- Release:
- June 24, 2021
- Format:
- Audiobook
- Narrator:
- January LaVoy
- Series
- Shelby Lake, Book 2
Wow, what a book! I went into this book knowing only that it was a prequel to The Deep, Deep Snow. I often read books without reading the summary first. People always say not to judge a book by its cover, but I totally do. Mystery/Thrillers are my genres and I can pick them out of a crowd almost always based on their covers. I’d rather let the book take me on a journey than go into it with expectations.
Before I listened to the first book, I had no idea who Brian Freeman (author) or January LaVoy (narrator) were. Now I find myself wanting to look into more of their work.
I need to do a re-listen to see if there were any clues to the mystery that I missed, but I don’t think there were. The entire time, I was guessing and every time I thought I had things figured out, I was proven wrong. There were a few questions left unanswered in book 1 that were answered in this book. For that, I am grateful, as they were maddening and I desperately wanted answers.
This story is masterfully done and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. There were times when I was genuinely worried about characters. I found the protagonist Rebecca Colder to be likable and relatable. Each and every character in this story feels like they’re based on a real person. You really get a fly-on-the-wall sort of experience with this novel.
January LaVoy and does an absolutely incredible job bringing Rebecca Colder to life as well as doing voices for the various other characters. She stands out as one of the better narrators I’ve heard.
I highly recommend this to anybody who is a Mystery/Thriller fan. This book is going to be living in the back of my brain for a while for sure.